The following articles are not accepted for shipping by air or sea
- Illegal drugs, chemicals or substances
- Substances that are not packed in commercially labeled consumer packs
- Contraband and other goods and materials prohibited by law
- Currencies, cash, checks, money orders and other negotiable instruments
- Explosives and combustible items
- Firearms/Bladed Weapons, ammunition, re-loaders, firearm parts and accessories
- Flammable materials, liquids/fluids, fuel, thinners, petroleum based paints, varnishes
- Gambling materials
- Gas cylinders and items containing compressed air or gas, flammable gas, fire extinguishers
- Goods in commercial quantity
- Human remains
- Jewelries, precious metals, high value wrist watches and others personal accessories
- Goods classified as “Valuable Cargo”. These are goods whose value is over $2,000.00 or those with a pro-rated value per package of over $450.00 per pound.
- Live plants and animals, including stuffed animals
- Perishable foodstuff and beverages
- Poisonous, toxic substances, pesticides
- Pornographic materials
- Replicas of guns and firearms, including toy guns, air-soft guns, air-guns, tools and accessories
Tobacco, Cigars and cigarettes
- Other goods and items without proper documentation, clearance, permit, and packaging
Please check with for confirmation before sending your item to us.
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